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Review by Montalvo Machado, Freelance illustrator, São Paulo, Brazil

There's something really different in Prismacolor pencils when comparing to other brands. They seem to have more pigment than any other, they are not waxy, and you can paint over it with acrylics, watercolor, oils and go over that again with Prismacolor without any trouble. Prismacolor is the choice of some of the most accredited illustrators, such as Mark English, John English, Chris F. Payne, Brent Watkinson and many others.

For pastels the best choice I've found is Design NuPastels, and for pastel pencils the Stabilo CarbOthello are perfect for detailing.

The paper that works well with these two brands is Stonehenge, especially in the colors Fawn, Gray and Beige. Pastel Master Gary Kelley is a long time user of these brands. Crescent #300 Illustration Boards are the most affordable with the highest quality I found.

Montalvo Machado
